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  5. Remove Plugin’s Resources on Uninstall

Remove Plugin’s Resources on Uninstall

If you have decided to remove the Envato Castle forever and need to delete all tables and resources on delete the plugin, There’s an option checkbox is false by default, You need to switch it on to be sure that all resources of the plugin will be deleted after remove the plugin.

ATTENTION: All resources means all tables which contains your clients, licenses, items, sellers etc.

Once it removed there’s no chance to get it back.

From WordPress Dashboard

  1. From left pane, Go to Envato Castle > Settings.
  2. From left pane select Admin the open Advanced tab.
  3. Check the checkbox Delete All Plugin’s Resources On Uninstall?
  4. Save Setting

Now if you decide to deactivate and then remove the Envato Castle plugin, All resources, tables and saved settings will be DELETED forever, So be Careful.